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Friday, August 5, 2011

And the results are.......

Well, the thing everyone wants to know at this point is, "Are you pregnant?????"

We talked about HPTs last time. And of course I took one. Okay, okay, I took three.... But I couldn't post anything until it was "official". You know, those Betas that the clinic like to see. And really, I'm posting about 2 days before it's officially official. But I just couldn't wait anymore!!!

The transfer was successful!!! Looks like I'm pregnant.

I took the first test on day 7. The line is sooooo faint, you can barely see it. (I swear it's there on the real thing....)

Day 9 was "more" positive. Hey, at least you can easily see the "pregnant" line.

Day 11 I took the test more because there were three in the box I bought, than to prove anything to myself. The "pregnant" line is darker than the reference line!!!

Things seem to be progressing well.

I'll post my betas on Monday when I know the second one. I would post the first, but there is absolutely nothing to reference it to. Everyone's betas can be different. The important thing is the draw 2 or 3 days later. They look for the numbers to increase over that time, hopefully at least doubling. Anyway, my beta today told me that I am, indeed, pregnant.

The next big question..... "How many babies are growing in there???"

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