Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

pregnancy ticker

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, January 28, 2012

29 weeks and counting....

29 weeks and counting....

So I always think of all these great things to blog about when I'm away from my computer.... In the car, falling asleep at night, at work. But when I"m actually here, in front of the thing, my mind goes mostly blank.

Like now. I have my 29 week picture to post, but no story to go with it.

Things have been pretty great the last few weeks. So there's not really much to relate today. The baby is moving a ton, and all was well at my last appointment. She's been getting the hiccups, sometimes 2 or 3 times a day, lately. This is the part of pregnancy that I truly love. I'm not so big that I'm uncomfortable all the time, and I can really feel her moving- which is my favorite part.

I'm starting to envision what labor is going to be like, and am really starting to contemplate what to expect after delivery. The time is going to fly by, and she'll be here before we all know it. I know that she's not coming home with me- that's the whole point of this journey- but I'm really starting to think about what the experience will be like. I hope it will be as easy as I imagine it will be!

Maybe I'll have a fun story to tell next time??? :)

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Approaching 28 weeks

Approaching 28 weeks!!!

I love 28 weeks. Not that I feel super special wonderful at 28 weeks or anything like that.... It's the antepartum nurse in me coming out. 28 weeks is the first big "milestone" gestation for the NICU and pre-term moms. (Not that I've ever been a pre-term mom, but I'm aware that there is a first time for everything....) If a baby is born after 28 weeks' gestation, there is a marked decrease in the incidence of brain bleeds. Scary sounding, and scary. Although babies born early, even after 28 weeks', have difficulties of their own, I always breathe a tiny sigh of relief when that first milestone mark passes.

On to other thoughts!

So, one of my "usual" pregnancy discomforts is itching. I've been an itchy mess with all my pregnancies; mostly through the end of the first trimester to almost the third trimester. There have been several theories for my itching: increased blood volume, skin stretching, bile salts, soap allergies.... None of it really made sense to me. Then, my doctor and I were discussing my progesterone reaction incident earlier this pregnancy. He said, "Well, yeah, increased progesterone makes some people itch." Ding, ding, ding!!!! This rang true to me as the cause of all my itching- especially with how severely I reacted to the injectable progesterone.

The itching this pregnancy has been astronomical. I've made my ankles and feet bleed from scratching. I scratch in my sleep. Chris says he feels like he's sleeping with a grasshopper... Yes, I've tried things. Aveeeno soap, aveeno lotion, medicated aveeno lotion, benadryl, cortisone cream, oatmeal bath soaks.... My doc recommended Cetaphil lotion, but I really don't think it's a case of dry skin. I'm going to talk to him about it again at my appt next week. Although I think it's going to be one of those "so sorry, not much we can do about it" things.

Interestingly, and maybe this all goes hand in hand, but my skin has just been really super sensitive this time around- like a tactile issue. My clothes are uncomfortable against my skin, tags bother me, blah, blah, blah. I feel like a skin sensitive challenged toddler most days. Clothes and ways of wearing clothes that usually get me through a pregnancy have done absolutely nothing for me this time around. I've lamented to Chris several times that it's the dead of winter, and I HAVE to dress in layers. Why can't it just be summer so I can throw on a soft sundress.... or a mumu for that matter????

Lol. So. I'm getting creative. My latest endeavor is to turn a old pair of drawstring scrub pants for work into a pair of maternity scrub pants. Yes, with the large, uber ugly (absolutely fantastic) full belly panel. I found some soft, stretchy fabric at the fabric store ( I should not be allowed into the fabric store) that I think my belly will enjoy. This afternoon will have me getting friendly with a pair of scissors, some fabric, and my sewing machine.

Wish me luck.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Uh, the holidays are over now.... so....

Uh, the holidays are over now.... so....

Hmmmm..... I just looked at my 25 1/2 week pic (it's down toward the bottom). Talk about chipmunk cheeks! I'm hoping it was just the angle of the picture. I'm thinking my face is starting to look rather.... full.

Now I know weight gain during pregnancy is normal and healthy. I'm one of those crazy people who chooses to never know my weight. I don't look at the scale at the doctor's office, and I never jump on "just to see". What a horrible idea. I choose to go with how my clothes fit.

Well, I know my regular clothes sure aren't fitting me now!!!! So I can't really use that as an indication any more. I've always said one of my goals this pregnancy was to try and stay active- I never accomplished it with my own pregnancies. And so far, I haven't done very well this pregnancy either.

I was in pretty good physical condition before this pregnancy, visiting our local rec center 3-5 times a week. My love was Zumba. With all the craziness that happened the first trimester, I wasn't able to keep exercising the way I had envisioned. Then my rec membership ran out.... Drat. Did I renew the sucker???? Uh. No. And I miss my Zumba, I really do. I think about my long lost class at least 4 times a week. But I'm pretty sure my body would take a furious ass-kicking if I went back now!

However, it doesn't keep me from thinking it's a great idea. I dream of my little support belt strapped to my ever-expanding belly, and me hopping around class like a pro. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!
Pretty sure I'm going to be red faced and breathing like a steam engine.
Walking the track may be a better "get back into the game" activity.

My goal for the end of January is to get in and renew my membership. Then my next goal is to start going again. I miss exercising, so I'm pretty confident that I will work it back into my weekly routine. And my goal will not be to lose weight. My goal will be to remain active and feeling good about myself.

And if my face stops looking like I have chipmunk cheeks, so much the better. ;)