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Thursday, September 6, 2012

New beginnings....

Wow...   It's been a crazy few months.  Mia and Jason are at home and so happy together.  It's hard to believe she is 5 months old already!!!  We've been so lucky to keep in tough with them over the last few months, and I'm sure we'll continue to do so.  It brightens my day to see new pictures of her, and to hear that she is thriving, and that they are growing so well together.

Chris and I had pretty much planned on pursuing surrogacy again- even before Mia was born.  Our plan was to wait about a year, then start looking to be matched again.  I wanted to get back to the gym like I was always talking about and get my body back into shape before getting pregnant (a fifth time!!!).  We had kinda hoped that Jason would be thinking of a sibling for Mia about the time we were ready again.

We asked Jason...  all, "I know you have a newborn and aren't sleeping right now, but you wanted to do this again in a year, right???"....  lol....  Okay, not exactly like that, but the conversation did come up.  He said as much as he loves and adores Mia, and as much as he would love a sibling for her, he just can't see himself singly parenting two kiddos.  Definitely fair.  I can't imagine singly parenting one...

At some point later in time, Jason mentioned to me that he was referring a couple that he was acquainted with to our surrogacy agency.  My ears perked up, "oh? Tell me more..."  Phyllis, Jason's mom, has a friend who is family to this particular couple- they have been interested in surrogacy, and decided that it was time to take the plunge.  I told Chris about this, and his ears perked up too.  Hmmmm....  Well, if we can't carry for Jason again, wouldn't it be awesome to carry for someone he knows?

Then I had a little run in with reality.  Mia is just a few months old.  We talked about waiting a year.  Are we really thinking about doing this again so soon?  I can't even try to get pregnant again until 6 months after Mia's delivery.  Are they ready to go now?  Will they want to wait if I have to wait?  Will they even like us????

So Chris and I talked about it.  Not much, I'll admit, but I think we neither felt that there was much to discuss.  We wanted to surro again.  We have a particular group of the population we prefer to carry for- and they don't come through our agency very often (we don't live in a very liberal area).  And best of all, the true decision maker, was that they were acquainted with Jason and his family.  If it all worked out, we could be like one big, happy family! Well, kinda, anyway.  Things in life happen when they are supposed to happen- not when we plan them.  Fate, Karma, the Powers that Be...  they drop things in your lap when you least expect them, and often when you're not looking for them.  What you choose to do with these offerings is up to you.  Chris and I chose to listen to our hearts, and take the opportunity.

I may not lose all my baby weight before I try to get pregnant again, but I've lost 2/3 of it.  I've gotten back to the gym...  Pregnancy-wise, this body of mine is getting a little on the old side (shhhhh...  don't tell anyone I said that), and I want to enjoy another pregnancy the same as the last ones.  And hey, I didn't want to be pregnant at exactly the same time of year again- for the third time!

So, I re-vamped my agency application, told Tess that I wanted my profile to go to Jason's referred couple, and we waited.  Just a short time later, Tess let us know that they were interested.  Then it was that blind date of all blind dates (and part job interview, too)- the Conference Call.....

And a little like magic, here we are- matched again.
Here's to our new beginnings, and another adventure.

This time with Seth and Johnny.

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