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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Watching betas.... again

Huh.  Well, I never thought I'd be excited to see my betas going down.....  Okay, excited probably isn't the right word.  Relieved is more like it. 

Following my betas back down to zero is the next step in the process.  Like I said in the last post, I looked on some online threads to see how long it "generally" takes.  People had answers that varied- anywhere from a couple weeks to a couple months.  When I asked the NP at the clinic she said basically the same thing.  I'm not very good at waiting and not having some sort of idea what I'm in for. 

I had an ultrasound Monday morning, and a beta drawn.  I feel like I say that a lot.... lol.  My ultrasound was just to confirm that there is no more tissue left in there that can cause infection and more bleeding.  Everything there was clear and looked good.  My beta was 172.  Considering that is was over 9,000 on the 26th, I think 172 is a "good" number.  It seems that my beta is falling relatively quickly. 

When my beta reaches zero, I'll have another water ultrasound.  I'm assuming this is just to make sure nothing has popped up in, or happened to my uterus in the course of the pregnancy.  Then, we can start to plan for our next transfer. 

People who know the story have asked me how I'm feeling.  It's weird, but I think I had a harder time before the miscarriage than after.  Waiting for it to happen was hard for me, probably more so than I let on.  Now that it's over, I feel relieved that it is done.  I'm a tad jealous of the pregnant people around me, but just because I was just there and I want to be there again.  I'm anxious about the whole IVF process again- hoping there are healthy embryos, and that they will implant.  I'm a little anxious about being anxious!  And, of course, I'm so sad for Seth and Johnny- this was their first baby after all.  I wonder if I shouldn't feel like I want to jump right into another transfer....   But I do want to jump right back in.

So, I found this pic through another surro's blog.  You can find it, and others, here:
I think they're pretty awesome, though the humor is definitely surro humor....

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