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Sunday, February 15, 2015

The eternal question when waiting for Beta draws.....

....  do I take a home pregnancy test (hpt) or just wait for the blood draws???

I take a hpt, silly!!!  But the bigger question for some carriers is when to take that test.  I know some gals that have tested at 4 days post transfer, but that's pretty early to get a positive.  I usually make myself wait until about 7 days post transfer- and sometimes that coincides with a blood draw.  This time, our blood draws are going to be on Day 8 and Day 10.  I like having a positive home test (or a negative one, too...), so waiting for the blood results doesn't consume my entire being.  Tomorrow is Day 7 post transfer....

At this point, I'm still feeling pretty normal.  I have a close friend who has been a gestational carrier, too.  She checks on me almost daily, and 2 nights ago I was lamenting to her that I feel totally normal.  She reminded me that I said the exact same thing to her at the same point last time, and I had a perfectly healthy pregnancy.  I'm glad she reminded me, because I didn't remember!!!  I'm still having some occasional cramping- which has always been a good sign in the past, and I'm starting to get a little achy in a couple of other key areas.  I'm actually dying to see what my blood results are.  ;)

In other news, I've been off work for the last 12 days.  I took a little staycation to coincide with the transfer, and have enjoyed every moment of it.  Tonight, it's back to work and back to a more normal routine for me.  So, I'm going to have a lazy day and enjoy every last second until I have to head back to the hospital tonight. 

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