So I've been falling way behind on posting. The time is going by so fast that I think of updating, then a week flies by and I realize I haven't written.....
I'm 36 weeks now, going to be 37 on Friday. The baby is getting bigger, he moves all the time, and I am starting to get uncomfortable. I'm in that weird in-between time- my body is getting tired and is about ready for kiddo to vacate; but I'm not ready for the pregnancy to be over yet either. I love the time that I get to carry this baby, the time that our family has to care for him. We are all super excited for his delivery, to see what he looks like, and to meet him "on the outside"- not to mention SO excited to see him with his family for the first time. But all of those incredibly special things mean that our time with him are just about over. Certainly a bittersweet transition.
I wish I had a crystal ball that predicted labor, too. It would be way easier to plan when to bring S&J to town and when to have things ready if we knew even the day.... But, as it has been with childbirth since the dawn of time, there is just no real way to know. I'm contracting quite a bit, but it's sporadic. Some days I contract all day on and off, and other days I don't have any contractions at all. I'm not sleeping well- during the days between my work shifts especially, but that is pretty normal for me this close to the end. Kiddo seems to be pretty low, but sometimes that doesn't mean anything. I love feeling him rock and roll in there, and it's kind of cool (and sometimes a little Alien creepy) to see him move. He has been getting the hiccups daily now, and can't decide if he wants to be head down or breech. That has been our adventure of the last week......
Baby Boy has decided to give me some extra anxiety and a few sleepless moments. He has spent much of the last week breech or transverse (sideways) in there. Of course today, for the doc, he was firmly head down. My doc assures me that he should stay that way from now on. But none of the other kiddos I carried flipped out of vertex this late. So I'm a little concerned that he will be in a "bad" position when I go into labor. I'm not dying to experience a c/s; at all.
I think his impending arrival has hit just about every one of us this last week. From S&J trying to pinpoint a day to come out and getting their bags packed, to me and Chris arranging for midnight babysitters if needed and me thinking about getting a bag packed for the hospital.... We're all preparing for these final weeks and the imminent arrival of a new baby. It's such a far off concept for so long- a baby is coming- to Boom!!! a BABY is going to be here. Soon.
It's a little hard to wrap my head around that it's almost over.
A little sneak peek of some pictures I had taken. Me and Baby Boy are about 33 and a half weeks.
I cannot WAIT to meet this little guy. I'm sure your trip East showed you how many people are excited beyond belief for his arrival. Seth and Johnny are dear friends of mine and will - as I'm sure you've seen - be the most nurturing parents. I'm so happy for them, and so grateful for you to have helped make this dream a reality. So very, very cool. Thanks, too, for keeping this blog so we could follow the progress. Fingers crossed for an easy delivery for you!