23 weeks today! The time just seems to be sliding by. I was talking to a friend earlier this week and was a little surprised to say that I only have 4 months left before Baby comes.... It's going to go by SO fast! The kids will go back to school in a couple weeks, we'll be getting the house ready for our puppy then going to pick her up, then our trip out to DC. After that it's holidays, and birthdays, and then the baby. I'll blink and it will be here!
Everything has been going well the last couple of weeks. I'm feeling good, and the baby is growing. One of my patients at work was horrified when I told her I wasn't due until December- she asked if there were "two in there".... Lol. Lucky for me, I think those comments are pretty funny and I don't get offended. I've always said I'd rather be obviously, roundly pregnant than one of those you have to guess about.
We're at the very outer edges of viability, so I'm hoping these next few weeks go by rather quickly. I generally try to NOT wish away any time during my pregnancy, but these weeks can be the scariest. I'd pretty much be happy if I could stay home in a bubble for the next 2-3 weeks. I don't have a history of preterm labor or delivery at all, but I think every labor nurse (or ex labor nurse) worth her salt is a little nervous around this time. Little Mister in there needs to stay put. Until the end of November at the earliest.
Next up: My one hour glucose test next week. Fingers crossed against gestational diabetes, folks!
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