I have a love/ hate relationship with "morning sickness".
First of all, whoever dubbed it "morning" sickness was wrong. I feel fine in the morning. I feel fine in the early afternoon. I get hit with nausea and the inability to look at food starting between 330 and 430 in the afternoon, and it lasts until I go to bed. It's been this way through every one of my pregnancies.... Perhaps we should just call it "pregnancy sickness".
How could anyone love any part of that jazz you ask? Well, the nausea lets me know that everything is on the right track in there. In the very beginning, when the baby in question is the size of a poppyseed or a gummy bear or whatever other food analogy you want to give it, you have no way of knowing if it is okay in there. I can't feel the baby move, my belly just looks chubby- not beautifully pregnantly round... there are no other cues that there is anything different going on in there. So, while feeling green isn't my favorite way to spend half of the day, I actually kinda like it. If I've got enough nausea to make me uncomfortable, then something must be right in there.
Let's talk about the timing of said pregnancy sickness. I usually come down with this loveliness anywhere between 6 and 8 weeks' along. Thank heavens I'm not a puker, I imagine that would be miserable, but nausea is debilitating in it's own way. This last week, I haven't had what I consider full blown pregnancy nausea, but my stomach has been increasingly unsettled as the days go on. How far along are you again??? you ask. 5 weeks tomorrow. That's right; unsettled stomach and nausea starting in week 4. For me, this is new territory. I have a friend who is having a grand time teasing me that our one little Sethbryo split in there and that I'm now carrying TWO little Sethbryos.... HA! Only the ultrasound will tell.....
But I'll tell you what. After our experience last pregnancy, I'm embracing every moment of yuckiness that I feel. The fact that I feel like this this soon can only mean that things are growing and developing right along in there. That's what my fingers are crossed for anyway. If this little embryo wants to let me know that all is well by making me feel like I've just been on the Tilt a Whirl at the fair, then bring it on.
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