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Saturday, November 17, 2012

Superstitious much???

I am the first to admit that I am superstitious.  I knock on wood, I avoid saying certain words and phrases at work, and I believe what goes around comes around.  So far, I think we've all come in contact with positive signs for this transfer....  There was my dream a couple weeks ago; not only did it have significance for me, but it turned out to have some significance for Seth and Johnny too.  It was one of those Twilight Zone moments when they told us.....  We've had two "pregnant" bell peppers since I've started taking my meds- and I don't cut up bell peppers very often!!!  The stars seem to be aligning to make this process smooth and uncomplicated...

While I can't do everything exactly the same in preparation for this transfer as I did for the last, there are some things that I can do.  Tessie at the agency offers pre-pregnancy and pregnancy massage for her surros.  She has also added pre-transfer acupuncture to her services.  I really wanted to try acupuncture this time, but was a tiny bit bummed that I would miss out on that massage (I couldn't do both).  But sitting in my email in-box, I found a coupon from the massage therapist for a free birthday massage in the month of November....  What?  I'll be able to do them both???  Why, yes I will, thank you!

So, I started off my transfer week with a nice relaxing massage.  Next, I went in for a pedicure.  When getting ready for transfer last time, I had read that green was a good luck color for a lot of surros.  So, that July I got a pedicure and had my toenails painted green.  Now, I went to a different nail salon this time, and they didn't have that true kelly green polish that I loved so much- so I had to pick a different shade.  I asked for the flower design on my big toe, and what she gave me was rather Christmassy (ugh), but I was prepared not to be thrilled with the design.  I had landed the older lady at the salon, and usually don't like what she paints on my toes!!!  What mattered was the green, though....

The night before the transfer, I took a nice, hot, relaxing bath.  Johnny and Seth gifted me with a fabulous collection of bath goodies when they came to visit.  They had been sitting on my kitchen table for almost a week, taunting me with their delicious smells...  The one I chose for pre-transfer night was the lavender good- night one.  It smelled fantastic and was sprinkled with gold dust- maybe sleep sand???  It certainly gave me a relaxing end to a busy day, and was a great send off into a restful sleep. 

We had such amazing results after our last transfer, how could I not want to try and replicate that winning formula???  I know this is a different time and a different journey, but anything helps, right?
Here's hoping for positive test results!!!

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