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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

And so it begins...

There are a lot of medications that one must take to prepare one's body for a surrogate pregnancy. 

Ha!  What an understatement....
 I started my first meds this week.  We are using an egg donor this time around, so my medication regimen is going to be a bit different.  The clinic needs to sync my cycle with hers; when they trigger her to ovulate, then they fertilize, my little uterus has to be pre-heated and ready to go.  So, first are the birth control pills, so we can always know exactly where I am at in my cycle.  I also started my prenatal vitamins this week.  I have a calendar that tells me exactly what medications I'm going to be taking and when throughout the pre-transfer process.  I won't lie.... I haven't looked at it very closely.

The medications, honestly, are one of the hardest parts of the whole process for me.  I don't mind pills, or suppositories, or even shots; it's just the combination of pills, suppositories, AND shots for weeks- and even months- at a time that is so overwhelming.  I'm always so afraid I'm going to forget something, or run out of something....  And last time I had that awful reaction to the injectable progesterone.  When I'm preparing for a transfer, I have more meds on the counter than my grandparents do!!!  But, it's a trivial discomfort in the end.  I want to be pregnant; I want to carry a baby (or two) for Seth and Johnny.  So, if meds are part of what it takes to get there, then I'll take the meds.  And when I am in month #3 of suppositories, lamenting that I need to buy stock in Always pantyliners, I will remind myself what the meds are all about.  Then I will rejoice when the day finally comes for me to wean to my "normal" pregnancy meds. Just a prenatal vitamin, right???? you ask....  Nope.  For me there is the prenatal, colace, TUMS, prilosec, and sometimes iron.  Lol...

We're still waiting on the first draft of the contract from our lawyers.  Kathleen told the guys it would be at the end of last week.  So I'm expecting sometime this week....  And if not, I'll send her a little email.  I don't want to start sticking needles in my belly and hips until that pesky little thing is signed.  I'm sure Seth & Johnny would like to have it done as well!

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