Halfway there musings.......
I kinda can't believe we're at the halfway point in the pregnancy already. It really does feel like just yesterday that we were flying out to Jersey for the transfer. I try to remind myself every day to enjoy everything that I can about this pregnancy- even the heartburn! Because it's going to be over before I know it... I'm so fortunate to be carrying this little girl; but sometimes I have to remind myself that she's "mine" just for the duration of the pregnancy. Don't get me wrong- I'm going to be overjoyed to hand her over to her Daddy- I just hope it's after 38-40 weeks gestation.
I was reminded today that nothing is ever certain, and to enjoy every moment that I can. A good friend of mine who was also carrying a surro-baby delivered unexpectedly at 32 weeks. The baby and my friend are both healthy and doing fine, but her journey was cut short by 8 weeks. She was expecting to be pregnant for another 6-7 weeks at least. I never really thought of how having a pre-term delivery would impact my feelings about the pregnancy. We Carriers go into a pregnancy knowing that we will not be taking home a baby in the end. But I think we all expect to nurture whatever little person grows for the length of an entire pregnancy.
I'm around pre-term labor and deliveries all the time because of where I work. I'm used to helping moms when their pregnancies are cut short for whatever reason. I never really thought of it in terms of a surrogate pregnancy being cut short. Maybe some carriers wouldn't be bothered by it, but I think delivering significantly early would make me sad, too. For me, the very best part of pregnancy is the last half and I want to experience it in all of its glory (aches, pains, and all...) for as long as I can!
Me and Baby at 20 weeks'....

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