The highlight of this week was a visit from Jason!
We had an appointment scheduled here so he could meet my doctor, and so he could have a chance to see the baby on ultrasound. It was a short, but very good visit. The appointment went well- seeing the baby is always fun, and he or she was just bouncing away in there! We were finally able to catch Baby's heartbeat on doppler, too. The ultrasound tech caught a great profile of Baby while we were there. It always amazes me how 100% formed and baby- looking a fetus is, even at just over 12 weeks' gestation.

After the appointment, Jason was able to come back to our place. There, he experienced just a small portion of our daily life: a playdate to host, soccer practice cancelled for rain, dance class... And all of that from just 3-5 in the afternoon! We all went out to dinner at our favorite local Mexican place, and tried to hit the cupcake place our family enjoys so much. Unfortunately, they had closed 15 minutes early that night, so that is something we'll have to do next time. After getting back to the house, we visited for awhile longer. But before too long, it was late and Jason had to head back to his hotel. Maybe next time we can actually show Jason some of the sights around town..... But lucky for me, he said he's not much of a sightseer anyway!!!
We'll see Jason again for our 20 week anatomy scan. And, if the baby cooperates, we'll find out if I'm carrying Baby Girl or Baby Boy. I think Boy.... But only time will tell!
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