After a transfer, I always thought that waiting that 8-10 days to find out if I'm actually pregnant would kill me.... drag by like the last week before Christmas for a kid. Or that 39th week of pregnancy....
Funny enough, the first week flew by. the bedrest, the flight home, settling in, then working.
Now the question I'm sure every woman who has ever had an IVF transfer asks herself.... Do I actually take one of those nifty home pregnancy tests (HPT), or do I wait for that blood test???
It's called having your "beta" drawn. Your beta HcG level... that little hormone that you produce when you're pregnant. Most clinics draw betas at 8 days and 10 days post transfer. They draw twice to make sure that the first beta at least doubles over the two days- signaling a probable healthily growing pregnancy.
My clinic, of course, has to be..... different. My betas aren't scheduled to be drawn until 11 and 14 days post transfer. Seriously.
Some people like to wait for the blood draw. They don't want to be disappointed if the HPT is negative. Maybe they don't trust the home tests? Maybe they just want the added bonus of knowing the number doubles?
Who knows?
I however know that I am extremely impatient. The only question is How long am I going to wait to take that HPT? The secret, after three pregnancies of my own I've learned, is the sensitivity of the test. Some of them show a positive result down at 15-20 units of measure, but others don't show until you hit 50 units of measure.
I must make sure to buy the "early" test. Because we all know I'll take it.
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