We all piled into the new VW wagon and headed north. Everyone was concerned that we were going to be in the car for so long on Saturday getting there. It takes us 7 hours to get to Chris's family and 6 hours to get to mine by car; we were anticipating about a 3 hour car ride to get to Seth's family. So really, it was a drop in the bucket for us, but we were appreciative of the concern.
I won't lie. I was a little nervous to get there and meet everyone. Crowds of people I don't know make me anxious. I was hoping there would only be a few people there and that we could trickle into it slowly. Don't get me wrong- I was very excited for the party, and wanted to meet everyone, but I knew there would be a crowd.
The car ride, just like everything else on our vacay, went very fast- before I knew it, we were driving into a beautiful neighborhood and pulling up to a beautiful house. With people out front. Seth's brother and his family were already there along with his parents and I think one of his aunts (it has all run together a little for me by now...). Meeting the family there was pretty great. There was such a feeling of warmth, love, and excitement in the house. Chris and I were welcomed with open arms and made to feel right at home with great big hugs and lots of smiles. It wasn't as overwhelming as I was afraid it was going to be.
When we got there, everyone was finishing up with last minute details before the party. I wandered around to get a look at things. There was so much time, effort, and thought that went into planning S&J's shower.... I could tell that Seth's mom- and his family- were SO excited for them. Seth's mom even made ME a sash to wear during the shower!!! Lol. I'm pretty sure my face was red when she draped it around me. I really cringe at being the center of anyone's attention- but everyone wanted me and Chris to feel special for the day too.
Before too long, people started showing up. There were more introductions, more hugs, smiles, and talking. There was fantastic food, and we got to meet some amazing people. Jason, his parents, and Mia were able to be there as well- but that's another story. :) Needless to say I cried when I saw them, and it was all I could do not to hover around Mia the whole time.
After an enormous, tasty ice cream cake (yes, I ate TWO pieces), we finally managed to get S&J to break into their very large pile of gifts. The day was winding down, and it seemed that it was mostly close family and friends who were still at the house. It was so much fun for me to watch them open their gifts, and to see their faces light up imagining their little boy who was going to be using all the new, tiny (or not so tiny) things. Their family and friends were so amazingly generous and thoughtful.