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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Just 2 weeks left...

Just 2 weeks left....

Holy cow. Our planned induction date is just two weeks from today. Where did the time go???

As we get closer to delivery, I find myself thinking more and more about what delivery will be like. I've had a really easy time this pregnancy NOT thinking of this little girl as ours. I don't feel like I'm attached to her in the same way that I was with my own kids. The thought of delivery hasn't scared me or made me nervous at all in terms of me being able to "give this baby up" as people like to say. Because this Little Miss has never been mine to keep.

Now that things are getting closer, however, I'm wondering if it's going to be as easy as I think... Now that's not to say that I'm having any inkling of wanting to *gasp* not give her up. She's Jason's baby, and not mine and my husband's. I'm just wondering if the giving process will be more emotional than I'm anticipating. I'm a crier, so I expect tears. I'm expecting to miss being pregnant a little, and I'm expecting to miss her a little. My hope is that my expectations meet what will actually come to pass.

And then I've been thinking about labor itself- wondering what it will be like. Classically, I've had quick, relatively easy labors. I'm hoping for the same thing this time around too. I'm smaller with this pregnancy than I was with my last, so I don't feel like I have an 8 pound plus kiddo hanging out in there. I'm wondering if we'll make it to our induction date.... if so, it will be the longest I've ever carried a pregnancy. Only by 2 days, but still.... And I contract a lot this time around. I've not ever really contracted before laboring before. So fr, the contractions haven't proven to do anything. But I know that can change any day.

Just like any pregnancy, there are so many unknowns. I'm excited and impatient both to see how this is going to play out. But at the same time, I'm really trying hard not to wish away the last two weeks of this pregnancy. This very well may be my last time being pregnant, and there is nothing in this world quite like the feeling of an active, happy baby rolling around in my tummy.

Here we are at 37 weeks. I swear, I'm getting worse at taking my picture....

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Almost 34 weeks!

Almost 34 Weeks!

Well, it's been an interesting couple of weeks. There was all the painting that happened..... After that, I kinda lost my steam, but I still have a list a mile long of things I want to get done!

I've talked about me and the pregnancy a lot the last few posts, but we're getting close to the end. Jason has started to make plans for coming out here to meet his little girl. The plane tickets are bought, we've been talking to the doctor about the "ideal" induction date, baby names have been a hot topic of conversation again.... I think it's starting to gel for us all that a BABY is going to be here soon, and not just the idea of her.

Chris and I are making plans on this end; my parents are planning to come out during our "ideal" induction time, so we have someone to watch our kids. We've been trying to think back and remember our kids' deliveries- so we can ask Jason what he wants done in the event that the baby decides to come before our planned date. It feels like we're actively participating in the pregnancy again, instead of just enjoying the "uneventful" middle time. I keep saying, though, that we want this to be SO planned this time, that something not planned is bound to happen...

It boggles my mind to think that we're closing in on the home stretch of this amazing journey.

In pregnancy news, I'm contracting more than I ever did with my other pregnancies. I was sent home from work last weekend with instructions to "take it easy", and I saw the doc mid-week this week. The good news is that the contractions aren't doing much to my cervix. The not good news is that they really ARE annoying sometimes! Funny, it makes me totally able to relate to my patients who contract all the time with no changes that happen. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad that nothing "exciting" is happening at this point. I just could have gone another 2 or 3 weeks without contracting!

Okay, here is me and Little Miss as 33.6 weeks. I'm definitely NOT looking my best, but I realized it's been a long time since I put a pic up. So, this just goes to show that I don't insist on looking perfectly "made up" in every picture! ;)