Could I be nesting???
It's another one of those crazy pregnancy phenomena. Most women reach some undefined point in their later pregnancy, and decide they MUST clean, sort, organize, etc, etc, etc. Most of the time, it's thought that this is a woman's internal drive to make a place for the new baby to come home to. That's the theory I always went with anyway.
Until this week.
I know I don't have a new baby coming home with me. There is no worry about setting up a nursery, picking out bedding, washing little teeny clothes, and making sure that we have everything we need for a new little person. Then why, I ask, have I spent the last week in full nesting mode???
It must be the hormones.
Tuesday night I inexplicably couldn't fall asleep. Those who know me know this is very rare. As I lay there in bed, with sleep eluding me, I started making a list in my head: Bed, Bath and Beyond for new kitchen rugs, curtains, and curtain rods. Home Depot or Lowe's for paint, and something new to cover the sliding glass door that I hate. Do I need to replace the blinds downstairs? All of them??? I'm kinda tired of the white look after 10 years; it might be nice to get some darker ones. But what shade? I won't know that until we replace the coffee table and the kitchen table.... But we're not planning on doing that just yet. Should I put a rug under the kitchen table???
And on and on until sleep finally found me.
So Wednesday we went out to BB&B and Target. I gathered some of what was on my list. When we got home, I spent the afternoon tearing apart the kitchen and sorting and decluttering drawers and cabinets. Thursday, I went out bright and early for paint. I spent the rest of Thursday painting the kitchen, the slider wall, and then putting some things back together again. This morning, I finished pulling the kitchen and eating area back together.
I have yet to hang the new curtains and rods we got for downstairs. I was in the middle of hanging the black-out roman shade in my room when I discovered that I really would need the drill. And the battery on the drill is dead. Sigh.....
Hopefully there's enough energy left to tackle the mountain of laundry waiting for me next week.